Important Information: If you have any specific questions about any condition of a medical nature or if you think you may have a medical condition, you should consult your doctor. You should never delay seeking professional medical advice, ignore it, or discontinue treatment because of information on our website. The advice given on the website does not substitute medical treatment and/or diagnosis made by qualified healthcare professionals.

Stopmystutter.com and Olga Bednarski make no warranties of any kind (either expressed or implied) concerning the materials on the site. By using the site you waive any claim whatsoever against Stopmystutter.com and Olga Bednarski which arises from your use, whether intended or not, of any other site. This waiver specifically includes any claim arising from a product and/or service which you purchase from any site other than www.Stopmystutter.com and any claim arising from security of information (including, but not limited to credit card information) which you use on this site. In addition, Stopmystutter.com and Olga Bednarski assume no responsibility for any content which you find on sites that link either to or from the site. Stopmystutter.com and Olga Bednarski make no warranties of any kind (either expressed or implied) concerning the materials on the site.

By using the site you waive any claim whatsoever against Stopmystutter.com and Olga Bednarski which arises from your use, whether intended or not, of any other site. This waiver specifically includes any claim arising from a product and/or service which you purchase from any site other than www.Stopmystutter.com and any claim arising from security of information (including, but not limited to credit card information) which you use on this site. In addition, Stopmystutter.com and Olga Bednarski assume no responsibility for any content which you find on sites that link either to or from the site.

The advice given on the website does not substitute treatment and diagnosis made by qualified healthcare professionals.

Furthermore, while we have made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of our content, in no way do we guarantee the accuracy of any statement, tutorial, or otherwise content on stopmystutter.com. Due to the transient nature of the web and how quickly things can change, any product, site or service discussed may well be under new ownership (or have changed drastically since any relating content on our site was published).

Therefore, it is ultimately your sole responsibility to conduct your own due-diligence before making any purchase decisions, or decisions based directly or indirectly as a result of the content published on www. stopmystutter.com.

Notice about testimonials

Individual testimonial results are provided for reference only and your personal experience may differ from that shown on this site.

Testimonials are all true, reflect the opinions and experiences of real users of Stop my Stutter with Olga Bednarski products, and are submitted to Stop my Stutter with Olga Bednarski voluntarily by customers.

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Payment service on this website is provided by Stripe. Users of the website initiate and authorise payments voluntarily and by their own free will. Since the digital nature of the business (online coaching, courses and consultations) NO REFUNDS ARE PROVIDED once the payment is made and digital product provided/received by the client. By making payments via this website you understand and accept the non-refund policy.

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