Books and Publications
Olga's latest books, interviews and publications.
Listen to Olga's interview for the UK stuttering community.

Prepare for success

These articles will help you adopt the right mindset, review your expectations and prepare for success.
Learn why fluency should not be the primary goal for PWS, as it leads to increased anxiety and frustration. Instead, focus on changing the mindset that influences stuttering, rather than attempting to "fix" speech.
Learn about the psychological and emotional challenges of stuttering, including the deep-seated fears and beliefs. Overcoming stuttering involves a journey of self-discovery and challenging the mindset that stuttering is incurable.
Learn about the primary obstacles that prevent people who stutter (PWS) from achieving ease and fluency in communication: setting fluency as the main goal, stuttering is solely a speech problem and the perfectionist mindset.
The article discusses the critical differences between those who succeed in overcoming stuttering and those who fail. Success is attributed to the core principles without which the efforts to overcome stuttering are likely to falter.

The Anatomy of Stuttering

The untraditional approach to setting your voice free.

This book provides all the information and tools you will ever need to successsfully recover from speech anxiety (i.e. stuttering), restore unconditional fluency, and maintain the result for life!

Supported by research, here is the proof that speech anxiety is a curable problem rooted in psychology. The system is propelled by feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and erroneous perceptions of oneself.

Having battled with speech anxiety for over 18 years with all conventional methods failing, Olga set out to find the ultimate freedom. She began looking beyond the obvious: blocks, fear, hesitation. What she found was ground-breaking, yet simple. Olga discovered that fluency follows naturally when all the mental blocks, perceptions, ideas have been cleared and inner harmony and peace are restored.

Fluency and confidence follow when you know what stuttering is and understand. how you, unknowingly, create speech blocks.When you become aware of these, you have the power to neutralise them and become free.

If you prefer, you can book your discovery session by sending me an email at Please include your name, preferred date and time for the session, and a brief summary of what you want to achieve.
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